Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dan Glickman Does What?

I'm back. Just think of me as Joey. I've been gone for two months, but did anybody really notice?

So I'm sure I'm the only one in my family who doesn't know this. And I'm sure everyone will say, "You didn't know that?!" But in what world is Dan Glickman the President of the Motion Picture Association of America? In what world does he get to walk down the red carpet and go to the Oscars as somebody we should actually care about? This is just bizarre. It's also one more reason for people to make fun of Kansas. "Newspaper stories about Dan have described him as 'inelegant' and 'as flat as Kansas.'" (Washington Post). That's just great. At least it's not Todd Tiahrt. Do you think his immigrant relatives just screwed up the sign-in and it was supposed to be Tihart?

And the President thinks it's weird that people are bothered by an Arab company controlling our ports? His response is: "people don't need to worry about security." Whose driving this flying umbrella?

And what is the deal with K-State? As if they weren't weird enough, their coach is in a neck brace, their fans don't even cheer them on all that loudly even when they're within three of beating Texas(I guess that's what happens when no one goes to the game). And yet they'll still beat us, killing Bob.

Any baby name suggestions? I've taken a Brandon (which we're considering), but we're short on other male names. And the middle name has to be Anthony, so pick something that goes with that. If that's possible. We'll take suggestions through August.


Drew Thompson said...

you didn't know that?

just kidding.

cthomp said...

Nice blog about district four Kansas congressman. How about Jaque for your son's name?

cthomp said...

or Jacque? Maybe that's right

Unknown said...

How about Liam? Balance out all that freaking Eye-talian.