Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm Out There And I'm Loving Every Minute Of It

Sammy was seen at 4am Eastern Standard Time the first night after his disappearance. I got up to go feed Arthur who kept scratching the bed. Perhaps Arthur was doing this because he saw Sammy. Anyway, I saw Sammy scurry down the driveway of the house across the street so I told Brian and he watched me cross the street looking for Sammy.

It's very hard to call for a cat at 4am, in your pajamas, while trying to whisper so the pitbull in the neighbor's yard doesn't wake up and attack you. Needless to say, Sammy didn't not return when called. We'll see what happens next. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. I'm sure Sammy's out there loving every minute of it.

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